2024 Wrapped

Another year has gone by filled with growth, challenges and accomplishments. As I wrapped up sessions for 2024, I reflected with clients on the year. Instead of the infamous Spotify Wrapped, we did Therapy Wrapped. Here’s the game:

  • 5 new situations they faced this year

  • 4 accomplishments

  • 3 areas of growth for next year

  • 2 things they are worried about

  • 1 thing they are most looking forward to in 2025

It was interesting to see that the for most of my clients, it was easier to think about new situations they faced and harder to think of their accomplishments. So I couldn’t help but wonder (yes, Carrie Bradshaw voice), why is it easier to think of our challenges than our growth?

As a therapist, my best guess is that society has told us that there is always more. We can always do more, be more and see more. If there is always more, when and how do we feel accomplished? When is enough, enough?

As someone also trying to get through life, my best guess is that the above is confirmed. There is always more I can be doing to engage in self-care, see my friends, be kinder to my family, support my clients and grow my business. But when do I stop and reflect and when does it become enough?

Let’s see, in 2024, I…took a leap of faith and left a full-time job to grow The Bari Group while also taking on a new role as Wellness Director of a summer camp. I presented at two national conferences, was accepted to speak at three additional conferences in 2025, supported new clients and met new colleagues. When we slow down and reflect, we can see our growth. We NEED to take a minute to pause and recognize ourselves, because if we don’t, who will?

Accomplishments look different for everyone and that is okay. Some people are celebrating making it through this year, making new friends, leaving relationships and taking the time to see what is next.

Whatever you accomplished this year, congratulations! You did it! We see you! Now make sure you see you.

Happy holidays and happy new year to all! Wishing health, happiness and more accomplishments in 2025.

(And if you are looking for a dinner time discussion, try the above exercise at home!)

If you or your child would like extra support in the new year, email jillian@thebarigroup.com today!

Jillian Meinhardt, LICSW, LCSW-C, LCSW

Jillian Meinhardt is a licensed clinical social worker in DC, FL, MA, MD and VA and the Founder of The Bari Group, LLC. Jillian loves working with young children through young adults, helping her clients and their families understand and cope with big emotions that may feel overwhelming in the moment. Jillian enjoys providing workshops and getting to know other families, educators and mental health professionals in the community.


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